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Twitterのゴミ @Koiwaibukkowasu

92 :亀にゃん:2021/10/04(月) 02:44:00.02

689名無し野電車区2021/10/01(金) 17:44:55.36ID:cgByrEO91

678 名無し野電車区 (ワッチョイ ffca-SvNQ) 2021/10/01 17:24:29 ID:3/PgxEgA0

675 名無し野電車区 2021/10/01 16:11:54 ID:lJQpu3s4
The person with a physical disability repeated the contribution that was crazy today.
And I think that you are below me in the deviation value as the human being.
I look down on you heartily. And I laugh.
The unpleasant geek who does not work like you is unnecessary for the world.
Please die as soon as possible.

676 名無し野電車区 2021/10/01 16:31:13 ID:lJQpu3s4
I am very glad that I have a good understanding person like you.
However, the person with a physical disability who does not enter the high school may not understand deviation value.

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