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☆2ch.net観察スレ Part13

248 :名無しさん:2015/04/16(木) 14:09:06.30
> 846 名前:Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net[sagete] 投稿日:2015/04/16(木) 12:25:32.67 ID:???*
> >>205
> It is not a Cloudflare error. The server
> returns a different response. It is a bug.
> It is not a dangerous bug. If it is not used
> often, it maybe is not dangerous for us.
> We do need the advertising income.
> 2ch.net is not making huge money. We are not
> the Afikasu. The scraping, and the 2chproxy etc.
> Actually hurt us. I hope to maintain a fun place
> for us. I am sorry you guys always want me to die,
> or something. I will do my best not to die. Hehe.

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