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☆2ch.net観察スレ Part3

448 :名無しさん:2014/07/19(土) 16:30:25.56
Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4

> 403 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/19(土) 14:52:44.33 ID:???
> Hey guys.
> We had typhoon here the past few days and very limited electricity and limited internet.
> It seems to be getting better today.
> The ACS has not been enabled yet because of the typhoon. I am a few days behind schedule now. Sorry about that.
> I will look through all your comments later and address them this evening.
> Have a good day!
(台風で停電したりネット出来なかったりしてアンチクロールシステムはまだ動いてない 予定より数日遅れる)

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