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2ch.net観察スレ Part2

773 :名無しさん:2014/07/01(火) 23:38:29.81 ID:mIH5fILx+
2ch サーバーダウン(鯖落ち)情報 part503
825+1 : ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ [] :2014/07/01(火) 22:38:55.89 ID:???0 [PC] ?S★(666000)
kanae is having some troubles. I am sorry. It is a new machine. I suspect some hardware is faulty.
The guys are checking it. They will be turning it off and on.
I have another new machine we can replace it with and return this one to the factory.
However I really like the name kanae.2ch.net
I am hoping the guys can solve the problem.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
16 cores and lots of ram are worth the wait.

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