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635 :がんじゃ兄貴 ◆U18g7nxod6:2014/04/23(水) 22:32:33.97 ID:OjA8rBkMZ
652+4 :Code Monkey ★ [] :2014/04/23(水) 15:06:40.83 ID:???
There was an attack on the old maru database yesterday.
I had to disable the old maru database during the attack.
Today I am working with Jim-sans office to give Ronin accounts to everybody who has an old Maru account.
If you want to move your old Maru account to Ronin, please send Maru proof of purchase to my email:
I suspect that tonight the attack will start again, so I may have to disable the old maru database again at that time.
Please understand that Tomcat, Jim-san, Mango Mangue, myself and a few other volunteers are working full-time to defend 2ch from these attacks.


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