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2ch.net観察スレ Part20

667 :名無しさん:2016/12/03(土) 23:12:15.48
About BE3.0

1 名前:Code Monkey ★ (★ 9987-6vNR)[] 投稿日:2016/12/03(土) 22:38:04.47 ID:CAP_USER9
Hello Kenmo,

Sorry for the problems with BE last week.

I have been working hard with Lancer-san to make a new version of BE.
BE3.0 will have some basic SNS features, including the ability to follow other users and view a basic feed.
BE3.0 is rewritten from scratch with more security features and better security practices.

While we migrate to the new BE system, we will use BE2.1.
BE2.1 is the same as BE3.0, except BE2.1 does not have the SNS features.
After BE2.1 is stable, then I will add the SNS features and the version will become BE3.0.

You can now login to BE2.1 with your same email address from before, but you will be required to set a new password.

If there are no problems, then tomorrow I will change /poverty/ board's SETTING.TXT to require BE again.

Thank you.

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