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2ch.net観察スレ Part6

177 :名無しさん:2014/11/18(火) 23:50:37.24
そのスレに8chan/8ch.netの管理人Hotwheelsが現れてJim chの新APIの話をしてるな


> 240 名前:ホット・ホイールズ ★ [] 投稿日:2014/11/18(火) 23:08:53.48 ID:???0
> >>235
> Hello, very good question.
> As you know, on 2ch, DAT files are going away for new JSON API soon.
> All 専ブラ writers are using the new API.
> So, we are waiting for this API to become public on 2ch.net, then it will be available on 8ch.net too.
> For now, it is pointless to write DAT file API that will soon be replaced by JSON.
> So I decided to just wait for JSON and work on 8chan.co (English site) while Code Monkey-san finishes
> it.

Jim chの新APIはJSONを使うものになるらしい


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