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2ch.net観察スレ Part4

143 :名無しさん:2014/08/03(日) 02:22:28.76

617 Code Monkey ★ [] 2014/08/03(日) 00:44:46.65 ID:???
Please ask Jim-san about BE on the operate board.
He reads a thread on bbspink that doesnt require BE.

265 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です [] 2014/08/03(日) 01:35:20.07 ID:VwLYj7Ld0
Do you watch "Let's talk with Jim-san"in pinkbbs?
(PINKBBSのLet's talk with Jim-sanスレ見てるの?)

273 Grape Ape ★ [] 2014/08/03(日) 01:40:31.61 ID:???0
I watch other pages there. That one became worse than operate.

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